CRUSA is the Cleanup and Regreening of the USA

An Active Public Foundation

A Progressive Approach to a Cleaner Future

Cleanup is the primary reason for CRUSA. Cleanup is to include everything. Buildings, foundations, all subsurface and aerial utility services, conduits, roadways, sidewalks , curbing, etc. Nothing of material is to be left behind.

Cleanup companies are to have all necessary municipal licenses, GREEN policies for reuse, repurpose, recycle and disposal of removed materials. A proven success of cleanup contractors stated processes and procedures shall be required. A proven reuse process for materials such as manhole covers, curbing, iron fencing, etc… Shall be a required by all cleanup contractors. A proven repurpose process for materials shall be a required by all cleanup contractors. A proven recycle/disposal process for materials shall be a required by all cleanup contractors.

Regreening is the primary reason for CRUSA. That involves landscaping the areas post cleanup with approved local vegetation, trees, shrubs and grasses.  Land sculpting, terrain grooming and capping with top soils shall be required. Followed by gentle seeding, tree planting and limited shrub planting.   The most import part to the re-greening is time and nature. By time and nature CRUSA is to manage the newly cleaned and re-greened land for 25 years or more. CRUSA is to allow nature to retake hold.  CRUSA is to provide natural habitats for native local wildlife. The crickets, the critters, the birds and the bees know what to do. CRUSA is cleaning and Re-greening the USA. CRUSA will assist nature to take hold and thrive once again.

Future benefits far outweigh any procrastination.  The removal of decades old debris, toxins and waste. Disposed of appropriately and safely. Removal of dangerous structures. Subsurface level as well as surface level.  Paying of taxes again.  The redesign, replacement and removal of necessary utilities and road ways in effected areas of municipalities. The reduction in support costs for those removed unused roadways, utilities and properties.  Creation of GREEN spaces and local wildlife habitation areas in urban and suburban municipalities.

These are not conservation lands. Conservation lands don’t pay taxes. Opportunities for educational research and study shall be provide to local educational institutions. Aiding in the educational growth of future generations. These properties are privately held by the CRUSA Foundation and will be available for repurpose at a point in time in the future as determined our future generations.